
Goat Farming Business

We at Crisis Aid strongly believe in helping people earn a decent living and become financially independent and self-sufficient, instead of providing them with continuous assistance.

In this way they don’t have to be regularly provided with food, medicines, shelter, clothing etc. They will be able to earn their own living.

Crisis Aid will purchase goats from the beneficiaries at the time of Eid Ul Adhah in order to keep them in business.

  • 1 Pair of Goats: for £100
  • 2 Pair of Goats: for £200
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Reclaim Gift Aid

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If you are a UK taxpayer the value of your
gift can increase by 25% at no extra cost to you!

I would like Crisis Aid to treat this donation, any donations I have made in the last 4 years and any future donations until I notify otherwise as Gift Aid donations. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.

Donation Total: £200.00 One Time

Donate to Crisis Aid

We’ll use your donations to help families around the world to overcome poverty and injustice, wherever the need is greatest.

Donate to Crisis Aid

We’ll use your donations to help families around the world to overcome poverty and injustice, wherever the need is greatest.

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