Sadaqah Jariyah

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What is Sadaqah Jariyah?

Sadaqah Jariyah means a continuous and ongoing charity. It is one of the most rewarding good deeds we can do in our lives as the benefits of giving Sadaqah Jariyah can be reaped now, and we can continue to benefit after we have passed.

Would you like to benefit a loved one after they have left this world? You can easily donate on their behalf, towards a Water Well/Pump or a Masjid. Insha Allah you and your loved ones will reap the rewards of this continuous charity.

The Messenger (ﷺ) was asked, “When a person dies, all their deeds end except three: a continuing charity, beneficial knowledge and a child who prays for them,”

What is the difference between Sadaqah Jariyah and Sadaqah?

Sadaqah Jariyah is long-term and Sadaqah is short-term. For example, feeding an orphan for one day may only satisfy their hunger for that day but sponsoring them would enable them to be healthy throughout their life.

Water projects are a true example of how one act of charity keeps multiplying, bringing more and more benefit and reward. When a community has water, we see families growing food, healthy children able to attend school, clean hospitals treating patients safely.. and the list goes on!

“When a person dies, his deeds come to an end, except for three: ongoing charity (Sadaqah Jariyah), knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for him.”

The gift that keeps on giving

Sadaqah Jariyah is a beautiful, sustainable and ongoing form of charity. Giving it is about creating a legacy of joy and blessings, for yourself and for others.

Provide clean and safe drinking water to impoverished communities tackling thirst and stopping the spread of disease.

From water pumps to water purification plants, we are making sure that families all over the globe are drinking freshwater, without fear of waterborne diseases. Our water projects are currently active in Syria, Yemen, Gaza and Rohingya, where our teams on the ground are diligently working to dig wells equip with hassle-free water pumps, set up water purification plants to filter clean water to rural communities and delivering barrels of fresh water to impoverished families.


Sadaqah Jariyah PROJECTS

Through your Zakat and Sadaqah, you can help those in need.


Water for Life

Providing clean water ensures health and vitality, sustaining communities for a brighter future.

Building A Masjid

Constructing a mosque fosters unity and spiritual growth, serving as a sacred hub for worship.

Orphan Fund

Supporting orphans offers hope and stability, empowering vulnerable children for a fulfilling life.

Goat Project

Donating goats enables sustainable livelihoods, lifting families out of poverty with self-sufficiency.

Egg Laying Chickens

Investing in egg-laying chickens provides nutrition and income, fostering economic independence and health.

Quran Memorisation

Encouraging Quran preserves knowledge and strengthens faith, nurturing spiritual growth within communities.
alarm(2) Families in Gaza 🇵🇸 are facing unimaginable hardships wheat The Bread Project: Raising Dough to Save Lives donate Help Gaza Families During Their Time of Desperation sheep(1) Your Zakat is our Amanah (trust)
alarm(2) Families in Gaza 🇵🇸 are facing unimaginable hardships wheat The Bread Project: Raising Dough to Save Lives donate Help Gaza Families During Their Time of Desperation sheep(1) Your Zakat is our Amanah (trust)