Through your Zakat and Sadaqah, you can help those in need.


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Syrian Emergency


Quran Memorisation

Self Sustaining
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Sadaqah Jariyah Projects
Sadaqah Jariyah means ongoing charity and is a guaranteed recurring reward based upon good actions or deeds that keep on giving. Sadaqah in Arabic means ‘charity’ followed by Jariyah which means ‘ongoing’.
Sadaqah Jariyah is among the three deeds that will accompany you in the grave and it’s rewards will continue to benefit us even after death. Therefore, Sadaqah Jariyah donations can also be made in the name of a deceased person so it may continue to benefit them in the Hereafter.
The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” (Al-Tirmidhi)
Our Projects
difference you can make!
Why Help Orphans?
And they give food, in spite of love for it, to the needy, the orphan, and the captive. (Saying), “We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. We don’t want from you either reward or gratitude. Indeed, we fear from our Lord a Day austere and distressful”. (The Noble Qur’an, 76:8-10)
An estimated 140 million children classified as orphans, 15.1 million have lost both parents.
A monthly regular donation is all it takes to make a change. £10, £20, £30 or any amount you desire can be setup as a regular monthly payment to provide them with all the love and care they need for a happy childhood.