Uganda Water Well fundraiser
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته This campaign is being set up in order to help provide the most needed and basic source of life- Water. Water not only quenches the thirst of humans and animals alike, but also feeds them. Sever droughts that several parts of Uganda face lead to great struggles to not only the citizens that live in a country which is landlocked, but also to a million refugees.
In the Eastern region of Uganda, families struggle for even a meal a day. The western regions of Uganda consider them lucky with the worst of the drought being seen there. With weather experts warning that the drought has no signs of being over, I’m calling on anyone that can help to help. Water wells are a key source in a country where agriculture is the economic backbone.
£4,400 is estimated to be needed due to the extreme difficulty in creating a well in such a situation, with accessibility and terrain being but a few issues. Whatever you can donate, do so.
Selfishly benefit in the good that will come to you whilst you help give good to others.
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Abdouelillah Lounici
Royal Mail Union
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