
Addressing the Yemen Crisis: Urgent Humanitarian Action Needed

Yemen’s descent into civil war four years ago has precipitated the most severe humanitarian crisis of our time, placing the Arabian Peninsula’s poorest nation on the verge of famine. The conflict, involving Saudi-backed government forces and the Houthi rebels, has ensnared over 22 million individuals—nearly three-quarters of Yemen’s population—in a web of violence, starvation, and despair. With many of Yemen’s major cities either under siege or threat of aerial bombardment, the toll on human life and infrastructure has been catastrophic.

The humanitarian disaster unfolding in Yemen has led to one of the gravest famines in recent memory. Shockingly, a child succumbs to the effects of starvation every 10 minutes, and 2.2 million children are facing acute malnutrition. The gravity of the situation demands our immediate attention and action. Crisis Aid is actively working within Yemen, delivering emergency food supplies, medicine, and water to those most in need, particularly in the country’s most inaccessible regions.

For a contribution of just £40, you can enable us to distribute monthly food parcels—comprising rice, cooking oil, beans, sugar, and dates—to the families most severely affected, offering them a lifeline and a glimmer of hope. As children and other vulnerable groups continue to perish, your swift action can save lives. We urge you not to delay—your donation can make a difference right now.

Since the conflict’s onset in 2015, millions of Yemenis—men, women, and children—have been drawn into the vortex of war, with an overwhelming majority now dependent on some form of humanitarian assistance for survival. Families, already struggling to make ends meet before the war, face dire food shortages, with some resorting to eating foliage to stave off hunger. The siege on Yemen’s ports has crippled the economy, severely restricting the importation of essential food supplies.

The United Nations pinpoints the blockade of Hudaydah’s port—a vital conduit for goods to the capital, Sana’a—as a primary cause of the acute food scarcity afflicting Yemen. The situation in Hudaydah has forced an additional half a million people to flee their homes since 2018, exacerbating the internal displacement crisis, with over two million individuals now displaced within their own country.

The breakdown of Yemen’s political system has precipitated a dire economic collapse, leaving hundreds of thousands of families without a source of income. Professionals, including teachers and healthcare workers, have been left unpaid, pushing many to the brink of starvation and forcing them to rely on international aid for survival.

The degradation of Yemen’s infrastructure has led to the collapse of essential public services, notably access to clean water. This deficiency has facilitated the rapid spread of cholera and acute watery diarrhoea across the nation at an unprecedented rate.

Among the most tragic consequences of the Yemen crisis is the surge in child mortality due to malnutrition. Countless children, reaching inadequately equipped hospitals and makeshift medical facilities too late, represent the profound human cost of a conflict that remains incomprehensible to them. As parents mourn the loss of their children to a war beyond their understanding, the urgency for global intervention and support has never been more acute.

In the face of such overwhelming adversity, our commitment to the people of Yemen is unwavering. Crisis Aid is dedicated to alleviating suffering and providing essential aid to those most in need. Your donation can be a beacon of hope for countless individuals facing unimaginable hardship. Join us in our mission to bring relief and support to Yemen—every contribution counts in the fight against this humanitarian catastrophe.


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Why Help Orphans?

And they give food, in spite of love for it, to the needy, the orphan, and the captive. (Saying), “We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. We don’t want from you either reward or gratitude. Indeed, we fear from our Lord a Day austere and distressful”. (The Noble Qur’an, 76:8-10)

An estimated 140 million children classified as orphans, 15.1 million have lost both parents.

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